The new Dream Team! Hermanas Lund, Bonny, and Mangelson |
Hello Arlington!! I've had my first transfer so finally feel
like a full fledged missionary. Woot woot! And I LOVE it here! I live like 6 minutes away from the Cowboys
stadium, 7 minutes away from the Rangers stadium, and 8 minutes away from Six Flags amusement park... none of which is actually any fun when you are a missionary. Really it just makes for TONS of traffic
every Friday and Sunday!

But seriously, Arlington is awesome!
I don't even know where to start. My comps - Hna Mangelson is from Ohio, she's
a runner, and a serious go getter. She
just got done being trained but she is seriously training me right now! Sis Lund is a crazy, quirky, musical theater
major who loves scaring the snot out of me! Pretty much every time we walk into our house
at night she grabs me and screams bloody murder because she thinks it's funny
how I jump! Anybody got any good ideas
to get her back? I seriously need
something good..muahahaha! I feel like
I'm going to have lots of funny stories from this transfer! Hermana Lund has an amazing testimony!
Contacting and teaching is a little
strange though with a threesome. It has seriously felt like with the 3 of us,
we just walk in, outnumber them, smack 'em with the spirit, then leave and
they don't even know what hit them! Haha - having 2 comps is just a blessing!
My apartment is sooo nice! Its
massive. There are three of us but still not one cockroach. Yepee!
We are all tricked out with a gym and everything! I feel so spoiled.

Saying good bye in Fort Worth really stunk. Tuesday, Brittany (our good friend in the YSA
Ward who always came out with us) took us out for Greek food (: yummm, then Hermana
Hernandez invited us over for her famous
tacos! In most cases I’m not too fond of
double dinners…but I couldn't say no.
And while we were there Itza wrote me the saddest/cutest note about not
leaving right before her baptism. It was
heart-breaking ): I had been working with
her family my whole mission to get them to come back to church. Then Itza turned 9 and she became our
investigator. We were able to get the
whole family on board with coming back to church so Itza could get baptized. When I left they had been coming for a month straight! Itza's baptism is this Saturday…I'm so stoked
that its happening, its just really hard to not be able to be there. But at least they are on their way to becoming
an eternal family. Ahh! I love them!
Any ways, after that we went over to the Merinos who I hadn't even told
I was leaving…ya that was really unfun!
Lots of hugs and tears.
Especially with Arleth. She's
like my sister! Sniff, sniff ): But I can't WAIT to see the family's baptism
picture on the slideshow at Zone Conference. I know it will happen!
Ok, enough with the sad sappy goodbye stuff. Arlington - This area has only been open for
1 transfer so we don't have too many investigators right now. We have about 6 and there is SOOO much
potential here! This week has been pretty darn crazy just
getting settled and getting a feel for how we all teach, and how it works
best with a trio.
I've only met 2 of our investigators so far. One is named William from Puerto Rico and I
can't understand a thing he says! Apparently
it’s a thing there to leave off the last half of their works…ah! He's going through a really hard time right
now, because his wife just died from
cancer. So now he's trying to
understand where she's at. We've definitely
got answers for him. The other investigator
I've met is Daniel and we just found him my 2nd day here. We were trying to see William, but he wasn't
home so we knocked on a trailer and Daniel let us right in! Apparently he'd met
with missionaries before…how 'bout that? We then had the most powerful lesson on the restoration I've ever had on my
whole mission!! I can't even describe it in words. Afterwards he said he wants
to be baptized and gave us all his mom's info so we could go teach her. It was
honestly one of the best lessons on my whole mission, like a spiritual slap in
the face!
In case you don't know me very well, I LIVE FOR WAFFLES! |
We're also apparently working with a bunch of less actives! Yay! Hay un gran
espacio en mi corazon para ellos! I LOVE the ward here! We have dinner lined up every
night for the rest of the YEAR! Man..oh I'm
gonna get fat. All the little girls in
our ward call me Elsa, I think because I always wear gloves with my hair in
a long braid (see pic), but I've convinced them that I have frozen powers! Hehe! I
love ninas.
But seriously, based off of
everyone I met yesterday this ward seems really into missionary work! That is definitely something I'm not used to. There are so many families helping the
missionaries. I wish I could tell you
the specifics, but honestly right now there are so many new names, faces,
schedules, houses, and life stories, my brain is going into overload mode so now I
can't remember anything! Seriously
though, every time we drive up to someone's house (and I'm the designated driver....again), its "Ok, who is
this?" "Oh, it’s Alfredo, the
Dad, who's meeting with us because he's a friend of Hno Jimenez, the one with
the wife who's short with black hair. Remember?" Ya, so far I've had like zero idea what's
going on, but Hermana Magelson and I have just been going with it and the
spirit has been making up for my poor melting brain!
love you all