

Serving as a Missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint in the Texas, Fort Worth Mission

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

12/3/14 Week 38

Feliz Dia de Pavo …except for really we didn't even eat pavo (turkey) but that's totally ok, because we did eat a pretty much everything else - fabulous pineapple ham, this weird Guatemalan sugar cane soup, and asparagus wrapped in bacon, to name a few.  It was a very Hispanic Thanksgiving to say the least! The familia that we ate with was half from Mexico and half from Guatemala Quetzaltenango (however you spell that...yay Anne!! :) Anywho so ya, haha none of them have lived here that long so they don't really know anything about Thanksgiving, other than the fact that you're supposed to eat a lot of food.  For me it was the strangest Thanksgiving ever! We walked in and they just had buckets and buckets of random food, pasta, chicken, ham, papas, some bread stuff, some Guatemalan foods, and they just handed us a plate and said go for it! You don't have to tell me twice! 
My favorite way to start the day - with waffles and no make-up  :)
Typically on Thanksgiving my family would sit down, have a nice prayer, dish our food, and enjoy a wonderful but formal meal and some great conversation about what we are thankful for.  In this case, they just said we could eat what ever, when ever, and how ever we wanted.  For the entire time (and the house was PACKED) people would just kinda mosey in and out, get a plate, sit down, talk for a bit, then go back to whatever they were doing before.., ..I'm convinced that they had just been grazing on that stuff the entire day!  So that's the Hispanic thanksgiving for ya :)  I'm not gonna lie, I think that is definitely the most full I've EVER felt in my entire life. After that meal, every time our car hit a bump in the road, I was afraid it was gonna come back up!

A Thanksgiving moment...with whoever happened to be sitting with us at the time
My second favorite part of this week definitely was  performing the "Living Christmas Cards" with my distrito - sooo fun! Basically, we get to go Christmas caroling for 3 hours every Sunday evening until Christmas!! Woohooo, dream come TRUE! :) Christmas caroling is mi favorita!! For the past few weeks we've been talking to the members and they've been giving us names and addresses of their family and friends.  Then every Sunday we get to go with them and  sing some songs,  read the Nativity from the bible, and then pray with them.  This can only help remind everyone what the true meaning of Christmas is.  The spirit is always sooo strong.  Eeep - I love La Navidad!

My third favorite part of the week - William, Ahhh I love him so much! like a missionary-investigator kind of way of course. We set a baptism date with his son Ramón, and he's just progressing so much.  I wish all of you could meet him.  He's the quirkiest Puerto Rican ever!

I love the gospel! :) Sorry this email is so scatter brained! Love you all!:) The church is true!

<3 hermana bonny

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