

Serving as a Missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint in the Texas, Fort Worth Mission

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

11/10/14 Week 35

Becoming a missionary has really brought out my serious side...NOT!

Fort Worth South has been wonderful for me!  There have been some ups and downs, cockroach infestations, skunk friends, wild coyotes, and extra terrestrials.  **warning - literary sarcasm alert**  There have been tears, heartache, and sorrow, but also inexplicable joy and love have been felt within the sacred boundaries from Seminary Street down to the rolling country fields of Joshua.  But alas, after 8 blissful months together, the time has come for us to part. I'M GETTING TRANSFERRED!!!

I know I made that a little more dramatic than it needed to be...mostly I just like using the word "alas".  But hey it's a big deal for me! I've served half of my mission in this place!  It's quite bittersweet.  What stinks the most in that I'm going to miss the baptism by 1 week of the Hernandez daughter who I've been working with my whole mission.  Now they've come back to church and the girl is getting baptized!  Yeah!:) I kind of suspected I would miss it, but I'm still sad about it.  I guess I'll just be grateful that now she can be saved in the Kingdom of God!  After all, that is the whole point.
My last pic with the Merino Family:(  They came to the Mission Pres fireside! 

I'm getting transferred to Arlington and I'll be in a trio.  Apparently, the place where I'm going to live is right by the Dallas Cowboys stadium and they call it "The Mansion" - oo la la:)   My first transfer!!…I'm kind of nervous, but also super stoked!  My new address is at the bottom - WRITE ME.


It was all I could do not to just dive into this barrel - REECES!
I really don't even remember what we did this week.  I remember that I had my first pomegranate, and now I officially have a new favorite food (besides waffles).  We found SIX new investigators this week! Yipeeeeeee! And the great thing is that they aren't six normal investigators that say "Oh ya i love God. You can come back and si Dios quiere voy a estar aqui."(*God willing, I will be here).  Oh no, they have questions.  They are looking for something, it's amazing!

One of them is named Michael.  We were stopping by to visit an investigator and they weren't home, so we decided we would walk the street before we left for dinner.  It was like a Liahona moment, we just started walking, turned up a random street, and he was the first person we talked to! He said he used to be very into the church his sister preaches at, but now he's started feeling that a bunch of stuff they teach isn't true. He started asking us tons of questions about what is the purpose of life and all that good stuff that we as missionaries LOVE!  So we set up a return appointment with him, but then we found out that he actually lives in.....ARLINGTON! Coincidence? I think not!

The church is sooo true!

Love Hermana Bonny

1225 Vincent Street #1111 
Fort Worth TX 76120

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